Our first stop, Chee Cheong Kai? Where all the imitation goods are. I don't know how to spell it. I was forced to buy a belt there . The shopkeeper wrapped the belt instantly as I inquired for the price. So annoying, but it's still cheap la. 20 bucks.
Okay now the events that happened are not in chronological order ah.
BIG APPLE DONUTS. Ooh I love it. I don't mind queuing for it.
SuperStar Audition!! Yay!! Soft sticks!! OK! Frenz4Eva, WIN! YEAH!
Truth or Dare. Haha, yea, we dared Charmaine to kiss the wall and made Eugene run around the mall. Woot. *while Rachel was waiting for her turn to sing nervously*
Oh, BAR celona. New club. Damn fun. This funny shuffler guy teased us with his hilarious sexy dance while I mimicked his shuffling moves by grabbing his hat, in my heels @_@.
Oh oh and of course the shopping and eating. Chilled at Asia Cafe, haha where they Taylor's kids hang. Love the food there especially the mashed potato. Played pool and darts with some weird helper.
Fagged a lot to relieve stress and that kinda 'send' Eugene away from us haha.
Went to THE CURVE and didn't get to see Gavin the Azavedo cause he went shopping. Shopped the most at Sunway Pyramid. Not bad, not bad. HAHA and we went 'MALAY' the whole way in KL. Talking in BM and laughing our sore feet off. Wah, really need to walk a lot in KL man.
Okay, not much pictures cause
1)I'm ugly
2)My phone camera sucks
3)My hair looks weird cause of the golden patch on the right.

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