Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Mind your own business.

*Phone rings*
Busybody no- lifer that bitch about friendster profile personnel 1: Hello? Grace? Grace!!!! I think you better start praying for your daughter.... Do you know how she decribe herself on friendster??? She said " I am evil "!!! Grace I think you better pray for her! She's moving towards the darkside!!!! You know these kind of things open doors to the devil?

*Phone rings* Again *Rolls eyes*
Busybody no- lifer that bitch about friendster profile personnel 2 : Hello?Grace?! I think you better pray for Charlene! You know she declared that she is evil? It's the demonic power!!!! Grace and she said she is not chinese! She's chinese, isn't she?

1st May, 2007 10 a.m. (I slept at 4 damn it)
My mom: CHARLENE!!!! WAKE UP. WHY U SAY YOURSELF EVIL? HUH? HUH? DO U KNOW THAT BY SAYING THAT YOU ARE LETTING THE SATAN IN TO MANIFEST IN YOU?? Charlene, please delete it la. Please. You know two person actually called me and asked me to pray for you, you know?


I had intention to switch my profile to private, but NO. NO IM NOT GONNA COMPROMISE YOU BUSYBODY AUNTIES THAT THINK YOU'RE HAVING A CLOSE RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD. They must have no fuckin' idea how MUCH I wanted to go home and see my family and have a nice Labour Day with them, they just had to fuckin' ruin it. Get a life.
Screw y'all for tryna spoil my relationship between me and my mom. You can wait till your asses turn yellow and brown just like a rotten banana.

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