this iz zA siary of aa l;ghtrhweaded perasion
imssorr y im hlf dead
i brij my nail
iut hurts so mycg
kiss it
i love bwryone
i ams so sorry
im goona sleep doon,
goos gnight.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Shut up if you have nothing better to say.
I'm so inspired, so inspired to express how I feel, all this while. Don't stop me. These words have been in my mind the whole morning "fuckin' morons, cocksucking whore, old hag, asshole" and the list goes on and on. Yes, it's for you fuckin' losers, and my unbelievably fat and short thighs.
My thighs are so FAT and you know that means? FAT = someone weighing over 100 lbs,[source: urbandictionary] yes that's me I'm 120 lbs or more. According to Hollywood. My thighs are so fat that if Oprah sees me she will want me on her show. Either that or I'd passed through extreme makeover. I'm not being whiny about my fat thighs, but they are really fat. See I don't mind the fact that it's fat, you can grow wider if you wanna, thighs, BUT DO GROW VERTICALLY too! It's SHORT and FAT and MUSCULAR, like what? A runner? An athlete? Gosh it just doesn't match my size, I wish it's really a carrot, then I can grate it, cut it whatever shape it. Fuckin' ugly thighs it doesn't even look like thighs anymore, I feel like I'm carryin' two body torsos instead of the so-called thighs. Everyone has got nice and proportionate legs, all my friends, none of 'em look like mine, fuckin' thighs.
Gosh I had so many thing going through my mind I don't know how to start. Okay, and to this old hag that has been talkin' behind my back, you suck. Do you know how much misery you've cause in my life? HUH?HUH? HUH? Do you know I've been under UNNECESSARY supervision from my mom ever since you bullshit to my mother? HUH? Ever tried crossing the road with my mother constantly eyeing my every movement? HUH? Own up you wimp, stop bullshitting and face me. Stop tellin' people to pray for me before you pray for your sorry ass. Come tell me you have a problem with me and I swear if it ever make sense I will do ten push ups in front of you just to get turned on cause you such a turn off. You suck. I hope someone watch you cross the street forever.
At this point of time, my blood is boiling, and my laptop is burning. If my mother yells at me I'm gonna be mean. YOU PEOPLE ARE THE CAUSE OF EVERYTHING. YES YOU, I AM TALKIN ABOUT YOU. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. You are the person I ponder so long before I approve your friend request on MSN, FRIENDSTER, whatever web-based network. You know why? Cause YOU, YES YOU, you will go tell on me, tell everybody about the tiny wheeny vulgarities I used on my profile, HUH? Stereotype me on how I articulate my sentences on my blog and go tell on my mother la, huh? My pastor la? My youth leader, whatever shit post you can think of. Good for you. Maybe cause I've been superior than you are and this is the only chance for you to make you look good whereby under this situation, all the so-called adults will classify me as a "bad kid"? Guess what? I ENJOY BEING A BAD KID. YOU CAN GO AHEAD AND BE YOUR GEEK LIVING UNDER YOUR MOM'S ARMPITS CHEWIN' ON HER SKIN. I feel so sorry for you, get a life. Understand that? Too punk for you? It means, stop revolving your life around 1) your mother 2)Youth meeting 3)Evangelistic sessions 4)Impressing old people 5)Sunday Service 6)Worship Practice 7)Prayer Meeting, instead, start thinkin' 'bout how you can save the Earth for Pete's sake. Or how Steve Irwin died you narrow-minded morons.
Ya, people, please stop taking carriers from convenient stores if you don't really need it. Plastics are harmful to the environment as it contains poisonous chemical elements inside and some are not biodegradable. So shop in Jusco rather than Giant cause Jusco's plastic bags are biodegradable. So please be considerate aight, bring a big bag out and store your can drinks, chips, whatever you just bought. BRAVO to the Live Earth commercial. "THINK", does the customer really need a plastic bag? SLAP! HAHA. Good one. Also, I've been taking cold showers as it's mid-year and you know it's bejesusly HOT out there. Try not to turn on the heater so often as it only contributes to global warming aight people. Please save the earth you kiasi freaks. Lol.
I need to pee. Word out.
My thighs are so FAT and you know that means? FAT = someone weighing over 100 lbs,[source: urbandictionary] yes that's me I'm 120 lbs or more. According to Hollywood. My thighs are so fat that if Oprah sees me she will want me on her show. Either that or I'd passed through extreme makeover. I'm not being whiny about my fat thighs, but they are really fat. See I don't mind the fact that it's fat, you can grow wider if you wanna, thighs, BUT DO GROW VERTICALLY too! It's SHORT and FAT and MUSCULAR, like what? A runner? An athlete? Gosh it just doesn't match my size, I wish it's really a carrot, then I can grate it, cut it whatever shape it. Fuckin' ugly thighs it doesn't even look like thighs anymore, I feel like I'm carryin' two body torsos instead of the so-called thighs. Everyone has got nice and proportionate legs, all my friends, none of 'em look like mine, fuckin' thighs.
Gosh I had so many thing going through my mind I don't know how to start. Okay, and to this old hag that has been talkin' behind my back, you suck. Do you know how much misery you've cause in my life? HUH?HUH? HUH? Do you know I've been under UNNECESSARY supervision from my mom ever since you bullshit to my mother? HUH? Ever tried crossing the road with my mother constantly eyeing my every movement? HUH? Own up you wimp, stop bullshitting and face me. Stop tellin' people to pray for me before you pray for your sorry ass. Come tell me you have a problem with me and I swear if it ever make sense I will do ten push ups in front of you just to get turned on cause you such a turn off. You suck. I hope someone watch you cross the street forever.
At this point of time, my blood is boiling, and my laptop is burning. If my mother yells at me I'm gonna be mean. YOU PEOPLE ARE THE CAUSE OF EVERYTHING. YES YOU, I AM TALKIN ABOUT YOU. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. You are the person I ponder so long before I approve your friend request on MSN, FRIENDSTER, whatever web-based network. You know why? Cause YOU, YES YOU, you will go tell on me, tell everybody about the tiny wheeny vulgarities I used on my profile, HUH? Stereotype me on how I articulate my sentences on my blog and go tell on my mother la, huh? My pastor la? My youth leader, whatever shit post you can think of. Good for you. Maybe cause I've been superior than you are and this is the only chance for you to make you look good whereby under this situation, all the so-called adults will classify me as a "bad kid"? Guess what? I ENJOY BEING A BAD KID. YOU CAN GO AHEAD AND BE YOUR GEEK LIVING UNDER YOUR MOM'S ARMPITS CHEWIN' ON HER SKIN. I feel so sorry for you, get a life. Understand that? Too punk for you? It means, stop revolving your life around 1) your mother 2)Youth meeting 3)Evangelistic sessions 4)Impressing old people 5)Sunday Service 6)Worship Practice 7)Prayer Meeting, instead, start thinkin' 'bout how you can save the Earth for Pete's sake. Or how Steve Irwin died you narrow-minded morons.
Ya, people, please stop taking carriers from convenient stores if you don't really need it. Plastics are harmful to the environment as it contains poisonous chemical elements inside and some are not biodegradable. So shop in Jusco rather than Giant cause Jusco's plastic bags are biodegradable. So please be considerate aight, bring a big bag out and store your can drinks, chips, whatever you just bought. BRAVO to the Live Earth commercial. "THINK", does the customer really need a plastic bag? SLAP! HAHA. Good one. Also, I've been taking cold showers as it's mid-year and you know it's bejesusly HOT out there. Try not to turn on the heater so often as it only contributes to global warming aight people. Please save the earth you kiasi freaks. Lol.
I need to pee. Word out.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Saturday, July 14, 2007
No more lovin' you Part 2
You took off those pictures
Shake those memories away
Less tortures
Help my mind to sway
Instead of all these overtures
Here I'm gonna say
"I'm gonna try my best to make sure
I won't think of you anymore in the future."
Shake those memories away
Less tortures
Help my mind to sway
Instead of all these overtures
Here I'm gonna say
"I'm gonna try my best to make sure
I won't think of you anymore in the future."
Sweet Escapes
This is gonna be like what I did for the past one week. WOOT.
Okay, so I was having a break, a study break supposedly, for us to rush all the assignments and stuff but BAH I just went back to JB. Rachel was back from KL. So I met up with her for some karaoke session and Hot Fuzz! Thank God we're students and we only need to pay for the nuts which is like 10 ringgit MOOHOOHAHAHA. Hot Fuzz was eccentric with all the village murder cases. Then we met up with Chris and went to Carabao for some Thai food. Ordered the same dishes like previously but I kinda spoiled the meal by ordering this expensive yet gross otak-otak. Bloody thai otak-otak costed us like 18 ringgit and it tastes like other people's diluted poo. Yuck.[OOPS, that was like last last thursday, haven't had my study break yet, ahhhh nevermind.]
Okay this happened during the study break. I met up with Rachel hahaha okay okay, and also Charmaine. We wanted to club but we headed out too early. So we had a mamak session at the treehouse followed by City Plaza for pool. Some pouting and loving>>

Here comes the interesting part. After the mamak and the pool, it's time to club. It was rainin' heavily so we walked to the Eskimo with my umbrella from the car. It was R&B night and what's makin' me mad is 1)there's no one on the dancefloor 2)the crowd's kinda cold 3) the DJ isn't spinnin' UMBRELLA! So, i requested for Umbrella by Rihanna and Jay-z and the DJ was nice enough to play my request. Three of us started the dancefloor and I started dancing with my umbrella open! WOOT! Screw that indian club at Clarke Quay tellin' me to shut my umbrella so that it doesn't poke your big round eyes. >=) The crowd got high and applauded haha we were even given a free bucketa beer! Umbrella Ladies rock! Umbrella is the sex, yo.
I finally watched TRANSFORMERS!! Ya ya call me a laggard. Haha, but it was an awesome movie! I mean this movie has awesome transforming scenes!!!! The plot is so-so but you just gotta love it when they transform. My favourite Autobot, Optimus Prime, woot!=D

I wish to elaborate further on the MOS trip but nah, since Sharmain mentioned on her blog that "what happens in the club stays in the club".
Some pictures taken while waiting for Sharmain, Joa, Amanda and Yan Tao at Clarke Quay station>>
Aight, check out the other pictures at Sharmain's blog=D
Ahh, how convenient. Haha.
Okay, so I was having a break, a study break supposedly, for us to rush all the assignments and stuff but BAH I just went back to JB. Rachel was back from KL. So I met up with her for some karaoke session and Hot Fuzz! Thank God we're students and we only need to pay for the nuts which is like 10 ringgit MOOHOOHAHAHA. Hot Fuzz was eccentric with all the village murder cases. Then we met up with Chris and went to Carabao for some Thai food. Ordered the same dishes like previously but I kinda spoiled the meal by ordering this expensive yet gross otak-otak. Bloody thai otak-otak costed us like 18 ringgit and it tastes like other people's diluted poo. Yuck.[OOPS, that was like last last thursday, haven't had my study break yet, ahhhh nevermind.]
Okay this happened during the study break. I met up with Rachel hahaha okay okay, and also Charmaine. We wanted to club but we headed out too early. So we had a mamak session at the treehouse followed by City Plaza for pool. Some pouting and loving>>

I finally watched TRANSFORMERS!! Ya ya call me a laggard. Haha, but it was an awesome movie! I mean this movie has awesome transforming scenes!!!! The plot is so-so but you just gotta love it when they transform. My favourite Autobot, Optimus Prime, woot!=D

I wish to elaborate further on the MOS trip but nah, since Sharmain mentioned on her blog that "what happens in the club stays in the club".
Some pictures taken while waiting for Sharmain, Joa, Amanda and Yan Tao at Clarke Quay station>>

Ahh, how convenient. Haha.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
f u n n y
The only reason I wanna learn cantonese.
Gosh, I wish I could rap like 'em.
Blog of the day >> Fuckin'Bitch Diary
Wonder how I found this blog? One word, random. =D
You know how boring can lab lesson for Project Management get? So boring, you come up with random URLs in blogspot like[this person only posted one entry],[she went to Vegas],[he's gay], and you name it lah!
Haha, and what's so special bout this is that his entries are primarily domestic yet amusing. Reading about his abusive wife[he calls her a fuckin' lazy bitch], and his overly paranoid parents can actually portray the life of a very ordinary person, amazingly his blog captured me, Sharmain, Megan and Justin for almost half of our lab lesson! OH and he was foolish for marrying her because he saw her cleaning the house at 4am thinkin' that she can make a good wife but actually she's just doing it so that her mother will stop yakking at her. -__- She turns out to be a lazy muthafucka though. Can you believe that his wife did not brush their daughter's(apparently she's very young) teeth for four months and she can stupidly complain that her mouth stinks?!! ARGH! I don't know should I just curse or laugh now. -__-
Oh then there is this guy from that complained about Starbucks being too commercialized and feeling like a fuckin' moron for ordering caramel frappucino when it's freezing cold in London. Okay at least I find it funny.
Great, I've found new things to do online.
Gosh, I wish I could rap like 'em.
Blog of the day >> Fuckin'Bitch Diary
Wonder how I found this blog? One word, random. =D
You know how boring can lab lesson for Project Management get? So boring, you come up with random URLs in blogspot like[this person only posted one entry],[she went to Vegas],[he's gay], and you name it lah!
Haha, and what's so special bout this is that his entries are primarily domestic yet amusing. Reading about his abusive wife[he calls her a fuckin' lazy bitch], and his overly paranoid parents can actually portray the life of a very ordinary person, amazingly his blog captured me, Sharmain, Megan and Justin for almost half of our lab lesson! OH and he was foolish for marrying her because he saw her cleaning the house at 4am thinkin' that she can make a good wife but actually she's just doing it so that her mother will stop yakking at her. -__- She turns out to be a lazy muthafucka though. Can you believe that his wife did not brush their daughter's(apparently she's very young) teeth for four months and she can stupidly complain that her mouth stinks?!! ARGH! I don't know should I just curse or laugh now. -__-
Oh then there is this guy from that complained about Starbucks being too commercialized and feeling like a fuckin' moron for ordering caramel frappucino when it's freezing cold in London. Okay at least I find it funny.
Great, I've found new things to do online.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
The problem is, I don't even know what's happenin' in my life now. I'm so messed up I'm gonna post some real random pictures that even Holmes can't figure out why.
This is El Sa, cute laaaa.
I already said NO ONE reads my blog. Besides, Megan's more embarrassed, just look at 'em crackers on her ear.

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